Hello everyone,
The other day, I went to see Baikamo, a mystical flower that only blooms in the clear streams of Japan.

What is Baikamo?
Baikamo is a native Japanese aquatic plant. Its scientific name is Ranunculus nipponicus var. submersus. The most distinctive feature of this flower is that it blooms underwater. It's a very delicate plant that can only be seen in places with clear water quality and moderate flow.
バイカモは、日本固有の水生植物です。学名を Ranunculus nipponicus var. submersus というこの花、最大の特徴は水中で花を咲かせること。澄んだ水質と適度な流れがある場所でないと見られない、とても繊細な植物なのです。
Its appearance is like a fairy underwater. The small white flowers, about 1-1.5cm in size, spread five petals and resemble plum blossoms, hence the name "Baikamo" (plum blossom algae). The stem can grow up to 2m long, and the thread-like leaves appear to swim flexibly, swaying in the water flow.
When is the best time to see it?
To enjoy Baikamo flowers, late July to August is recommended.
However, Baikamo is a very delicate flower, so it can be washed away if the river swells due to rain. When I went to see it, I was quite concerned about the weather forecast. It's best after a series of sunny days, so please check the weather☀️ when planning your observation trip.😉
Delicate life on the brink of extinction
Unfortunately, Baikamo is currently facing the threat of extinction in many areas. It is extremely vulnerable to water pollution, and entire colonies can disappear with just a slight change in the environment. Climate change causing rising water temperatures is also a major threat. Furthermore, the current situation is that many natural habitats have been lost due to development.
To protect Baikamo, local volunteers regularly clean the riverbed and monitor water quality and temperature. Various efforts are also underway, such as cultivating Baikamo in protected areas and environmental improvement activities.
What we can do
Baikamo is one of the flowers that symbolize Japan's rich nature. Protecting this beautiful flower leads to protecting the entire ecosystem that depends on clear streams.
In the next article, I'll share my experience of visiting Samegai in Shiga Prefecture to see Baikamo. Stay tuned!